Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ice tea for me

I came home from running a couple of errands today to this lovely and colourful display on the sidewalk in front of our house.   I think Daddy gave a little help... IMG 0077

Jazzy wrote the sign.  She is actually reading and writing quite well now.  Spelling needs a little work but we'll put these special works of art away and remember them fondly when she is older.  Who says orange should be spelled with a silent "e" and does anyone miss that "i" in juice anyway?IMG 0076

How could resist buying myself a glass?IMG 0075

Such a charming team of waiters.  Little did Levi know that the hard earned money from his juice sales was going directly into his sister's piggy bank?  No questions asked. You might one day be bigger than her, but you will never outsmart her...IMG 0079IMG 0078

Of course there is another whose approach is unconventional.  Just help yourself, don't even worry about pouring...IMG 0080 several glasses at a time.

Good to the last drop.

And could the lady with the camera please pick up the tab?

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